How To Hurt A Scorpio Man And BEST 3 Tips To Win Back His Heart

“So, apparently I hurt a Scorpio man without even knowing that I did so. He already stopped talking to me as he said he feels upset.

What I should do now? Should I keep trying to talk to him or just give him his space?

When I didn’t call for 1 month, he said that I didn’t miss him; actually I was dying to talk to him in reality. What is he really feeling? To me, it seems like he doesn’t care no more.”

How to hurt a Scorpio man so bad?

If a male Scorpion gets upset that you didn’t call him for so long, then obviously he wants to be with you. The way he acts just showing that he’s testing you. Calling or texting constantly will annoy him; and, he’ll probably stop answering your calls or even yell at you.

However, secretly he loves that you actually care, despite it annoys him initially.

It’s a mind-game, girls!

It sounds severe, but it’s a Scorpio thing and you have to learn to accept it. In fact, his intent isn’t malicious; he just wants to make you prove that you care and don’t want to hurt him.

Winning a Scorpio Male Back after Hurting Him

Winning a Scorpio Male Back after Hurting Him

Because of his star sign’s character, Scorpio likes being left alone. Once he is alone, he won’t answer your calls. When a Scorpio man feels hurt (slightly), tell him you are dying to talk to him or any overtly emotional confessions you are holding inside.

He will love them, even if he probably pretends he doesn’t. Always be honest with him and yourself without giving up your own self-respect and dignity.

In general, your Scorpio mate definitely cares about you. He is very emotional, but also has amazing self control. If he didn’t care about you, there’s no way he wouldn’t be wasting his time or acting so childishly.

Is there any chance for you to rekindle with your Scorpio partner after you have hurt him badly?

He is the type that does not take kindly to being hurt. He tends to hold on to resentments more tightly than a snail holds onto its shell. As a fixed water sign, he is stubborn when it comes to emotions. He does not trust easily, because he is too aware of how one can be wounded in intimate relationships.

Though Scorpio man does not let go easily of his resentments, his zodiac sign is also the most transformative. Ruled by Pluto planet, he holds tight but also become devoured by the flames of regeneration.

So how to get a Scorpio man back?

Now that you two have separated, he’s just as devastated as you are. Give him some room and take some time for yourself. Distance can be crucial in getting back a Scorpion.

After the breakup, your ex boyfriend may be very wary of you. This is understandable, since he’s afraid of getting hurt once again. From now on, you have to temper what you say to him and how you say it. Simply telling him that you still love him and want him back cannot make him instantly running into your arms and forgiving everything that has happened in the past.

You have to take a different approach instead – it’s time to rebuild the relationship layer-by-layer.

Avoid bringing up the break up whenever speaking with him. What you need to focus right now is to build a new bond with him. Significantly, he needs to see you as someone he can trust with his heart again.

How to Apologize to a Scorpio Man?

How to Apologize to a Scorpio Man

Scorpio is a well-known sun sign for its vengeance and preconceived outlook.

People born under this sign will never forgive those who dare to damage their emotions. You hurt them once; they may make you worse than ten times.

What if you are dating a male Scorpion and accidentally hurt him?

How to apologize to a Scorpio man and get him to forgive your mistake?

Most Scorpios are generally brooding and stormy. Their reputation for taking offense (maybe taking it to the highest level) is renowned. Your Scorpio mate can hold a grudge tighter than anyone; also, he certainly will amputate a relationship without looking back or feeling sorry.

Wondering why Scorpio-born individuals are so offensive? Well, we all may misunderstand these people. Unlike their dangerous arachnid symbol, they have a beautiful heart and very emotional. When they become exploded, it’s just because they are really angry and have no choice.

If you feel you did something wrong and want to apologize to your Scorpio partner, don’t hesitate to say ‘I’m sorry‘. He could easily burn out if you are able to bring him numerous material benefits, such as money, career promotions, etc.

3 Easy Tips to Make up with Your Scorpio Man

3 Easy Tips to Make up with Your Scorpio Man

How to get a Scorpio man to forgive you?

When you make any mistake, in a relationship, you often look for dozens of ways to make up with your lover. One of the best methods is getting to know his zodiac sign – each sign has differently effective tactics to resolve a person’s problems.

In order to cope with an angry Scorpio male, you need to act grandiloquently, imposingly, and dramatically as much as possible and prove him your uncontrollable love. With this guy, words have no weight when he feels irritated. At this moment, you have to absolutely indulge what he wants, even though that means you must ignore some of your interests.

Whenever facing with a Scorpio man’s anger, please take it as a very imperative issue. Genuine remorse and an offer of penance are necessary. Never bother your mate with “I’m sorry if I hurt you” or he will sock you in the face.

If you want to seize his forgiveness, here are several tips of how to deal with an angry Scorpio man:

  • Apologize and explain – Be sincere and straightforward to let him know that you are truly sorry for what happened and tell him that you’ve already taken a lesson from it.
  • Appreciate his feelings – Let him know that you did not intend to hurt his feelings; also, make sure you maintain your dignity while showing the sincerity of your apology through your actions.
  • Consider a small peace offering – He will appreciate your thoughtful gifts, anything delectable and beautiful.

Ensure that your sincerity makes him understand how important he is to you.

Your Scorpio will make the best lover and the truest friend, but he can sometimes take things too seriously. By following the advice of how to apologize to a Scorpio man, you will be able to touch the tough guy’s heart. The process may be hard and challenging; yet, the final result is worth investing your effort.

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